
Something I really love about Asian food is the unique smell which gives me the immediate holiday-feeling. Since I am just dreaming of holidays on a beach in Thailand right now, I decided on an easy recipe for a green curry. I know, you need a lot of exotic ingredients, but you should find everything in an Asia shop.

What you need (recipe serves 4):

1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
2 chillies
1 bunch of coriander
2 limes
a few kaffir lime leaves
a few Thai basil leaves
1 stick lemongrass
a small bunch of spring onions
a cup of bean sprouts
1/2 bin of coconut milk
soy sauce
sesame oil
peanut oil
rice noodles for 4 persons
additional prawns, chicken breasts, choose whatever you like!

DSC_0315 1. Wash and trim the spring onions, the lemongrass, the chillies and put everything in the food processor. Peel the ginger and add it as well as the coriander, the Thai basil and the kaffir lime leaves.

DSC_0322 2. Blitz everything to a paste.

DSC_0324 3. Roast the paste gently in sesame oil and deglaze with coconut milk. Season with peanut oil and soy sauce. Add bean sprouts and lime juice.  At last follow the package instructions on the rice noodles and sear prawns, chicken or whatever you have decided on. Serve everything in a bowl. Ready!


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